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IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/29/2017: BLESSED

IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/29/2017:  BLESSED

blessed /blɛst/ [*esp. for 3 & 4] (adjective) 1. consecrated; sacred; sanctified. 2. worthy of adoration, reverence, or worship. 3. favored; fortunate.* 4. blissfully happy.* 5. beatified. 6. bringing happiness and thankfulness.

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IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/31/2017: BRILLIANT

IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/31/2017:  BRILLIANT

bril·liant /bril yənt/ (adjective) 1.  (of light or color) very bright and radiant. 2.  exceptionally clever or talented.

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IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/28/2017: BIGHEARTED

IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/28/2017:   BIGHEARTED

big-heart·ed /biɡˈhärd əd/ (adjective) -- (of a person or action) kind and generous.

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IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/27/2017: BEAUTIFUL

IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/27/2017:  BEAUTIFUL

beau·ti·ful /byo͞o də fəl/ (adjective) - pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.

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IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/26/2017: AWESOME

IDENTI·Tee's Word of the Day 1/26/2017:  AWESOME

awe·some /ˈô səm/  (adjective) -- extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear. Online Store Online Store

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