IDENTI·Tee's Word Of The Day 2/19/2017: CONNECTED
con·nect·ed /kəˈnek·tɪd/ (adjective) 1. joined or linked together. 2. (of a person or things) considered as related to something or someone else.
IDENTI·Tee's Word Of The Day 2/17/2017: COMPASSIONATE
com·pas·sion·ate /kəm-ˈpa-shən-ət/ (adjective) - feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
IDENTI·Tee's Word Of The Day 2/16/2017: COMMITTED
com·mit·ted - /kəˈmidəd/ (adjective) - feeling dedication and loyalty to a person, cause, activity, or job; wholeheartedly dedicated.