IDENTI·Tee's Word Of The Day 3/27/2017: ENTHUSIAST
en·thu·si·ast - (noun) - a person who is highly interested in a particular activity or subject. Identify yourself with IDENTI·Tee's! The perfect gift right at your fingertips! Order now, expect delivery within 5 business days, shipping included! What's your IDENTI·Tee?
IDENTI·Tee's Word Of The Day 3/26/2017: IMAGINATIVE
im·ag·i·na·tive - (adjective) - having or showing creativity or inventiveness. Identify yourself with IDENTI·Tee's! The perfect gift at your fingertips: What's your IDENTI·Tee?
IDENTI·Tee's Word Of The Day 3/25/2017: HANDSOME
hand·some - (adjective) - 1. (of a man) good-looking 2. (of a number, sum of money, or margin) substantial.